Mac 関係覚え書き

TimeMachine の問い合わせを抑制する

外づけディスクをマウントする度に,TimeMachine で使うかどうかを 尋ねられるのはうっとおしい

I have the same issue, working with a lot of different hard drives every day. I figured that it had to do with a launch daemon and in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ there is a file called "". I think this is what controls the time machine function when a new volume is launched. I opened the file with Property List Editor and there is a toggle for on/off. I disabled it, and the next time I mounted a volume it didn't ask me about time machine, but it also didn't let me eject the volume. Haven't quite figured that one out yet, but I thought I would post what I found to see if anyone else had an insight.





sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ \
 DoNotOfferNewDisksForBackup -bool YES

で再起動で O.K. だった.

TimeMachine アイコンをメニューバーに表示しない

$ sudo chgrp admin /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/
$ sudo chmod 750 /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/

TimeMachine アイコンを Dock に追加させない

初回ログイン時にユーザ環境をつくるようにしている環境で, Dock の登録アプリケーションに強制的に TimeMachine が追加されることがある.



を加えておく. 中身は,いづれかのユーザのものをコピーすればいい.

これは, AppStore でも同じ.

NAS を TimeMachine ボリュームとしてつかえるようにする

defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1

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